Process Work/ Update


This is the image I have drawn of the faucet. I am not entirely happy with it yet. I would like to add more texture and to do a little more shading, but I think it is coming together nicely.

Ive started to edit the background image and also incorporate the drawing of the faucet. This was just to get an image in my head to make sure things will work out. I think if I keep pushing detail and focus on making the faucet feel inclusive to the rocks and water it will help.


  1. I really like this idea, and I think the photos you chose work really well together. I agree that you should try to make the faucet fell inclusive, to do this you could give them similar textures, or have the textures fade into each other.

  2. (Gaia Lawing) That looks awesome. I love how you incorporated the background image into the piece. It's really compelling.

  3. Cool faucet and a cool idea. I agree that aside from texture work, you're pretty much done. Great work

  4. The form of the faucet is very interesting and it does fit well with your waterfall image too. Some solutions you could try navigating could be using some of the rocky texture on the faucet, and to prevent the faucet from getting lost in the background, you could play with the contrast of the faucet and background.


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